Agnietje DeGarmo Bogardus
March 20, 1692 - July 17 1772
Ephraim Bogardus born 14 Aug 1687 Dutch Reformed Church Beverwyck, d.12 Oct 1770 Coxsackie, buried Dutch Church Burial Grounds Albany. Ephraim Bogardus married Agnietje DeGarmo on 23 Sept 1720 Albany Dutch Reformed Church. (church records)
Children of Ephraim and Agnietje: Petrus, Catharina, Wyntje, Ephraim, Jacob, Catharina, Maria, Anna.
Agnietje born .20 Mar 1692 Albany and died 7 July 1772 Coxsackie. She was the daughter of Pierre Villeroy DeGarmeaux and Catrina/Caatje van der Heyden.
Pierre is found in records under the name of Pierre the Frenchman, Viela Roy, Pierre Villeroy, Pierre DeGarmeaux/DeGarmo/De Garmoy. The name DeGarmeaux came from Chateau DeGarmeaux in Normandy, France and parish named DeGarmeaux. Pierre was probably from this parish before he immigrated to Canada and then to American. The spelling 'DeGarmeaux' is French. The spelling 'DeGarmo' is English.
Pierre born 1659, died 6 Mar 1741. He married Catrina/Caatje van der Heyden about 1682 in Albany. Catrina born 1662, died 1740. Both are buried Albany Church Burial Grounds (cemetery records).
Catrina was the daughter of Jacob Tijssen van der Heyden. Land records #190, Albany 1676: van der Heyden, Jacob Tyse-transfer from Colonial Government to first private land owners. Jacob was a master tailor and fur trader in Beverwyck.
In 1682 Villeroy purchased a house and lot in Albany from Samuel Adams. He was arrested for illegal fur trading. Villeroy had previous escaped from Canada--leaving owing money. In a letter from a Montreal merchant was sent to Major Baxter in Aug 1683, the merchant referred to Villeroy as "a French vagabond". (Albany court records) At this time in Albany, many French men were marrying Dutch women.
Albany 10 Mar 1683/4 persons who were in arrears to annual taxes: "Villeroy who is absent 2 Florins."
The Canadian government persuaded a few French families to settle on the Saratoga patent. Other French Canadians were sent to live amongst the settlers and spy on the English colonists and English armies. (The Story of Old Saratoga) In the winter of 1688-9, Villeroy, Antonie Lespenard, John van Loon, and Lafleur were arrested for aiding English soldiers to desert and escape to Canada. They were arrested and brought to Albany for a hearing. Warrant issued 1 Aug 1689. Villeroy was detained at the Fort in Albany. (Albany Court Records)
10 Aug 1689 Court hearing: a petition by wife of Villeray was delivered to court asking for his release. P.van Wriaglum and Dirk van der Heyden tendered payment. Bond was set at 100 pounds. Wife was Catrina van der Heyden and Dirk was her brother.
Albany heads of families list June 1697: Pieter Villeroy F. 1 male, 1 wife, 7 children.
In 1699, Villeroy refused to take the oath of allegiance to the English king--'being a Papist'.
Amid all the Scandinavian and Dutch relatives, it is nice to have a French fur trapper, immigrant to Canada, "a French vagabond", settler in Saratoga county, Papist resident of Albany, and French Canadian spy against the English during the French and English Wars!!

(II) Pieter, son of Dominie Everardus Bogardus, was baptized April 2, 1645. He resided in Albany, New York, until near the close of his life, when he removed to Kingston, New York, where he died in 1703. In 1673 he was one of the magistrates of the town and in 1690 was commissioned with others to treat with the Five Nations and to look after the defence of the town. He made his will February 3, 1701-02. He married Wyntje Cornells Bosch.
Children: Evert; Shibboleth; Hannah, born January 22, :679, married Peter Bronck ; Maria, married Johannes Van Vechten, of Schagticoke ; Anthony ; Rachel baptized February 13, 1684; Ephraim, of further mention ; Petrus, baptized April 30, 1691. (III) Ephraim, son of Pieter and Wyntje Cornells (Bosch) Bogardus, was baptized August 14, 1687. He married. September 23, 1719, Agnietie De Garmo, born March 20, 1692. Children baptized: Petrus, April 10, 1721 ; Catherine, September 16, 1722, died young; Wyntje, March 8, 1724; Ephraim, of further mention; Jacob, July 14, 1728; Catherine, February 7, 1730; Maria, May 7, 1732; Anna, October 6, 1734. (IV) Ephraim (2), son of Ephraim (i) and Agnielie (De Garmo) Bogardus, was born August 7, 1726, in Coxsackie, Greene county. New York.
He served in the war of the revolution as private of Captain James Waldrons company. Eleventh Regiment, Albany county militia. He ran a licensed ferry across the Hudson river at the Upper Landing shortly after the revolution. He was a farmer. He married, October 19, 1748, An-netje Hallenbeck. (V) Anthony, son of Ephraim (2) and Annetje (Hallenbeck) Bogardus, was baptized in the Dutch Reformed church at Coxsackie, Greene county, New York, 1772. He was a farmer of the town of Coxsackie and a mem"ber of the Dutch church. He married Elizabeth Vander Hoof. (VI) Ei)hraim (3), son of Anthony and Elizabeth (Vander Hoof) Bogardus, was born in Coxsackie. New York, June 27, 1795, died April 21, 1866. He served in the American army during the war of 1812. He was a farmer, owning the homestead farm of his grandfather, Anthony Bogardus, located just â– outside the limits of the village of Coxsackie. This was his home and place of death. He was a member of the First Reformed Dutch Church, and a Democrat in politics. He married, January 21, 1823, Hannah, born June 6, .1801, died July 25, 1885, daughter of James and Helena (Groom) Rea. Children: Antliony, born December 29, 1823 ; William, August 7, 1825 ; John, September 7, 1827; Joseph, June 14. 1830; Charles (q. v.). (\II) Charles, youngest son of Ephraim (3) and Hannah (Rea) Bogardus, was born on the Bogardus homestead in the town of Coxsackie, Greene county. New York, September 16, 1833.
He was educated in the public schools, and early became engaged in the ice business. He continued in this line all his active life and reaped a prosperous harvest. In 1895 he retired from active labor, devoting himself to his own private affairs. For twelve years he served on the Coxsackie school board. He is an attendant of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a Democrat in politics. He married, December 17, 1857, jilary Helen, born October 12, 1836, daughter of Henry B. and Esther (Wilson) Briggs, of Coxsackie. Children: Mary Esther, Charlotte. Mary Esther married Charles Crabbe, of Far Rockaway, Long Island, New York ; children : Daisy M. (married Robert Nelson Curtis, of Rochester, New York, November 5, 1906 ; child: Marv Helen) ; Bernice, Bentha Helen, Phyllis Esther, Ruth, Charles Bogardus.
The Lampmans of CoxsacLAMPMAN kie, Greene county. New York, descend from German ancestors, long seated in the Palatinate, Germany. The emigrant ancestor settled in (ireene county at the south end of Kings Hill in the town of Coxsackie. (I) Stephen Lampman, with whom the history begins, was born in Greene county, about the year 1730. He married and had issue. (II) Peter, son of Stephen Lampman, was born about 1760. He married and had issue. (IH) John Peter, son of Peter Lampman, was born September 17, 1792, died January 2, 1855. He married Abigail King, born N(V vember 11, 1795, died January 2, 1882. They removed from Kings Hill some three miles to the eastward where they settled on a farm. (IV) Obadiah, son of John Peter and Abigail (King) Lampman, was born on the Greene county homestead upon which his parents settled prior to his birth. May 25, 1818, died at Coxsackie, New York, 1901. He was first a farmer, but the greater part of his life was spent in the general mercantile business. He married Elizabeth \^andenherg, born November 22, 1817, died October 31. 1890, daughter of Peter R. Vandenberg. They were the parents of five children, two of whom survive, Catherine Elizabeth Burroughs, of Brooklyn, New York, and Rev. Lewis, of further mention.
1. Agnetje or Angie DEGARMO. Born on Mar 20 1692 in Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA. Agnetje died on Jul 07 1772 in Coxsackie, Greene, New York, United States; she was 80.
2. Pierre Marcus, DeGarmeaux DEGARMO. Born on Apr 06 1648 in Plougonven, Finistere, Brittany, France in Goasvale Manor. Pierre died on Mar 06 1741 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States; he was 92.
On Jan 17 1683, when Pierre was 34, he married Catrina , Catharina , Caatje. VAN DER HEYDEN.
They had the following children ...
i. Anna Villeroy DEGARMO (1684 - 1747)
ii. Maria Maritje DEGARMO (1686 - 1724)
iii. Jacobus DEGARMO (1689 - 1746)
1 iv. Agnetje or Angie DEGARMO (1692 - 1772)
v. Johannes DEGARMO (1694 - 1734)
vi. Mattheus Mathieu Mathiew DEGARMO (1696 - 1740)
vii. Dirk DEGARMO (1698 - 1744)
viii. Abraham DEGARMO (1702 - 1703)
ix. Jillis DEGARMO (1704 - 1801)
3. Catrina , Catharina , Caatje. VAN DER HEYDEN. Born in 1664 in Beverwyck, Albany Co, New York, United States of America. Catrina died in 1705 in Albany, Albany Co., New York, United States of America; she was 41.
4. Gilles Aegidius DEGARMEAUX. Born on May 14 1607 in France. Gilles died on Jan 24 1667 in Plougonven, Finistère, France; he was 59.
In 1631, when Gilles was 24, he married Maria DE LESMELLEUE.
They had the following children ...
i. Charles DEGARMEAUX (b.1632)
ii. Guyonne DEGARMEAUX (b.1635)
iii. Jeanne DEGARMEAUX (1637 - 1704)
iv. Yves DEGARMEAUX (b.1639)
v. Françis DEGARMEAUX (b.1641)
vi. Gilles DEGARMEAUX (1644 - 1654)
vii. Jean DEGARMEAUX (b.1646)
2 viii. Pierre Marcus, DeGarmeaux DEGARMO (1648 - 1741)
ix. Pierre Marcus, Pieter, DeGarmeaux, alias Viller DEGARMEAUX DEGARMO (1648 - 1741)
x. Francois DEGARMEAUX (b.1652)
xi. Olivier DEGARMEAUX (b.1654)
5. Maria DE LESMELLEUE. Born in 1612 in Vaucouleurs, Meuse, Lorraine, France. Maria died on Jan 29 1666 in Choisy-Au-Bac, Oise, Picardie, France; she was 54.
6. Jacob Tyssen VAN DER HEYDEN. Born in 1616 in Gorinchem, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. Jacob died on Oct 09 1687 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States; he was 71.
On Jul 25 1655, when Jacob was 39, he married Anna HALS.
They had the following children ...
3 i. Catrina , Catharina , Caatje. VAN DER HEYDEN (1664 - 1705)
ii. Cornelia VAN DER HEYDEN (1673 - 1725)
iii. Araintje. VANDERHEYDEN (1674 - 1702)
iv. Anna or Antje. VANDERHEYDEN (1676 - 1725)
7. Anna HALS. Born in 1632 in Haarlem, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Anna died in 1691 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States; she was 59.
G Grandparents
8. Barnabe` de Garmeaux DEGARMEAUX. Born in 1560 in Janzé, Ille et Vilaine, France. Barnabe` died on Oct 15 1645 in Brie, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France; he was 85.
In 1590, when Barnabe` was 30, he married Jeanne Loaisel DE BRIE.
They had the following children ...
i. Perinne DEGARMEAUX (1590 - 1635)
ii. Francois DEGARMEAUX (1601 - 1666)
iii. Jacquette of DEGARMEAUX (b.1602)
4 iv. Gilles Aegidius DEGARMEAUX (1607 - 1667)
v. Guyonne DEGARMEAUX (1609 - 1656)
vi. Julien DEGARMEAUX (1612 - 1655)
9. Jeanne Loaisel DE BRIE. Born in 1560 in Brie, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France. Jeanne died on Dec 03 1640 in Brie, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France; she was 80.
Pierre married Marie SALAUNDE LESGUEN.
They had one child ...
5 i. Maria DE LESMELLEUE (1612 - 1666)
12. Matthys VAN DERHEYDEN. Born in 1596 in Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands. Matthys died in 1659 in New Amsterdam (now New York City), New Netherlands (now USA); he was 63.
In 1607, when Matthys was 11, he married Frau Matthys Van der Heyden UNK.
They had one child ...
6 i. Jacob Tyssen VAN DER HEYDEN (1616 - 1687)
13. Frau Matthys Van der Heyden UNK. Born in 1608 in prob Netherlands. Frau died in 1630 in prob New York, USA; she was 22.
14. Dirck Franchoisz HALS. Born on Mar 19 1591 in Haarlem, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Dirck died on May 17 1656 in Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands; he was 65.
Dirck married Agniesje JANSDOCHTER.
They had the following children ...
i. Antoine. HALS (1621 - 1691)
ii. Maria HALS (b.1623)
iii. Hester HALS (b.1624)
7 iv. Anna HALS (1632 - 1691)
15. Agniesje JANSDOCHTER. Born in 1592 in Hilvarenbeek, Hilvarenbeek, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands. Agniesje died in 1662; she was 70.
GG Grandparents
17. Francoise MAUVY. Born in 1535 in Janzé, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France. Francoise died in 1646 in prob France.
18. François LOAISEL DE BRIE. Born in 1535 in Brie, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France. François died in 1570; he was 35.
In 1559, when François was 24, he married Marguerite DE CHEVIGNE.
They had the following children ...
9 i. Jeanne Loaisel DE BRIE (1560 - 1640)
ii. Françoise LOAISEL DE BRIE (b.1565)
19. Marguerite DE CHEVIGNE. Born in 1535 in Loire-Atlantique, France. Marguerite died in 1570; she was 35.
28. Franchoys Franszoon HALS. Born in 1560 in Mechelen, Gulpen-Wittem, Limburg, Netherlands. Franchoys died on May 1610 in Haarlem, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands; he was 50.
In 1590, when Franchoys was 30, he married Andriana Van Gerrtenryck GEESTENRYCK.
They had the following children ...
i. Frans HALS (1580 - 1666)
ii. Joost HALS (1584 - 1626)
14 iii. Dirck Franchoisz HALS (1591 - 1656)
29. Andriana Van Gerrtenryck GEESTENRYCK. Born in 1565 in Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium. Andriana died in 1591 in (11G-GM); she was 26.
GGG Grandparents
34. Françoise GUILLEMOT OR GUILLEMAUX. Born in 1515 in Essé, Ille-et-Vilaine, France. Françoise died in 1549 in prob France; she was 34.
Françoise married Jacques MAULNY.
They had one child ...
17 i. Francoise MAUVY (1535 - 1646)
35. Jacques MAULNY. Born in 1496 in prob France years before birth of grandson. Jacques died in 1549 in prob France; he was 53.
56. Frans HALS. Born in 1535 in Mechelen, Gulpen-Wittem, Limburg, Netherlands. Frans died on Aug 1566 in Haarlem, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands; he was 31.
In 1555, when Frans was 20, he married Barbara DEWITTE.
They had one child ...
28 i. Franchoys Franszoon HALS (1560 - 1610)
57. Barbara DEWITTE. Born in 1540 in Mechelen, Gulpen-Wittem, Limburg, Netherlands. Barbara died in 1560 in Netherlands; she was 20.
4G Grandparents
70. Patry MAUVY. Born in 1440. Patry died in Saint-Armel.
Patry married Jeanne DU CLEUZ.
They had one child ...
35 i. Jacques MAULNY (1496 - 1549)
71. Jeanne DU CLEUZ. Born in 1460 in of Essé, Ille-et-Vilaine, France.
Family Group Sheet for :
Agnetje or Angie DeGarmo and Ephraim Bogardus
Wife Agnetje or Angie DeGarmo
Born Mar 20 1692 Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA
Married Sep 23 1720 Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Died Jul 07 1772 Coxsackie, Greene, New York, United States
Parents Pierre Marcus, DeGarmeaux DeGarmo and Catrina , Catharina , Caatje. Van Der Heyden
Husband Ephraim Bogardus
Born Aug 07 1687 Coxsackie, Greene Co, New York, USA
Died Oct 12 1770 Coxsackie, Greene Co, New York, USA
Parents Pieter Bogardus and Wyntie Cornelia Bosch
1 M
Petrus Bogardus
Born Apr 10 1721 Albany, Albany County, New York, United States
Spouse Elizabeth Leybe Van Loon
Married Aug 10 1746 Zion Lutheran Ch, Loonenburg, Greene, New York, USA
Died Sep 26 1777 Albany, Albany County, New York, United States
2 F
Catharina Bogardus
Born Sep 16 1722 Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA
Died Feb 18 1730
3 F
Wyntie Bogardus
Born Mar 08 1724 Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA
Spouse Anthony A Bratt
Married 1746 Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA
4 M
Ephraim Bogardus
Born Aug 07 1726 Coxsackie, Greene County, New York, United States of America
Spouse Annetje Halenbeek
Married Nov 19 1748 Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Died Sep 08 1813 Coxsackie, Greene County, New York, United States of America
5 M
Jacob Bogardus
Born Jul 14 1728 Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA
6 F
Catharina Bogardus
Born Feb 18 1730 Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA
7 F
Maria Bogardus
Born May 07 1732 Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Died 1762
8 F
Anna Bogardus
Born Oct 06 1734 Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA