FEB 19 2002

Born in Rockford Il.
Zoe Sundberg

Aleeta Hagstrom, Debra George, Robyn Sundberg, Zoe Sundberg, Alysa Sundberg
1. Zoe Jay. SUNDBERG. Born on Feb 19 2002 in Rockford IL.
2. Matthew David SUNDBERG. Born on Jul 08 1978.
On Jul 08 2000, when Matthew was 22, he married Robyn Marguereite GEORGE.
They had the following children ...
1 i. Zoe Jay. SUNDBERG (b.2002)
ii. Alysa Joy Irene. SUNDBERG (b.2003)
3. Robyn Marguereite GEORGE. Born on Aug 07 1979 in Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, USA.
4. David SUNDBERG. Born on Dec 02 1959.
David married April Lorraine SUNDBERG.
They had the following children ...
2 i. Matthew David SUNDBERG (b.1978)
ii. Andrew SUNDBERG (b.1982)
iii. Jacob SUNDBERG (b.1983)
5. April Lorraine SUNDBERG. Born on Apr 26 1959.
6. Gerald Thomas GEORGE. Born on Feb 17 1943 in Winona, Minnesota, USA.
On Aug 06 1977, when Gerald was 34, he married Debra Lynn OLSON.
They had one child ...
3 i. Robyn Marguereite GEORGE (b.1979)
7. Debra Lynn OLSON. Born on Aug 01 1955 in Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, USA.
G Grandparents
12. Thomas Harland GEORGE. Born on Apr 05 1887 in Miller, South Dakota, USA. Thomas died on Feb 16 1944 in Vancouver, Clark, Washington, United States of America; he was 56.
On Oct 24 1936, when Thomas was 49, he married Grace Marguite BUCK.
They had the following children ...
i. Charles Bertram GEORGE (1937 - 2017)
ii. Wesley M GEORGE (1938 - 2018)
iii. Marilyn GEORGE (b.1940)
6 iv. Gerald Thomas GEORGE (b.1943)
13. Grace Marguite BUCK. Born on Oct 27 1906 in Waterville City, Le Sueur, Minnesota, United States of America. Grace died on Mar 25 1977 in Winnebago, Illinois, United States; she was 70.
14. Robert James OLSON. Born on Jun 13 1935 in Crawford Co, Wisc.
In 1953, when Robert was 18, he married Aleeta May DEGARMO.
They had the following children ...
i. Randy James OLSON (b.1953)
7 ii. Debra Lynn OLSON (b.1955)
iii. Jeffrey Alan OLSON (1956 - 1957)
iv. Mike Dwain. OLSON (b.1958)
15. Aleeta May DEGARMO. Born on Oct 20 1933 in Viola, Wisconsin, United States of America.