Ephraim Bogardus
Oct 2 1726 - Sep. 6, 1745

Birth: Oct. 2, 1726
Albany County
New York, USA
Death: Sep. 6, 1745
Albany County
New York, USA
Family links:
Shibboleth Bogardus (1677 - 1747)
Anna De Garmo Bogardus (1684 - 1747)
Pieter S. Bogardus (1711 - 1756)*
Ephraim Bogardus (1723 - 1724)*
Ephraim Bogardus (1726 - 1745)
*Calculated relationship
Note: Records indicate he was originally buried at the Albany Dutch Churchyard. The graves from that church were later moved to Albany Rural Cemetery.
Albany Rural Cemetery
Albany County
New York, USA
1. Ephraim BOGARDUS. Born on Oct 2 1726 in Albany, Albany County, New York, United States of America. Ephraim died on Sep 06 1745 in Albany, Albany County, New York, United States of America; he was 21.
2. Shibboleth Anthony BOGARDUS. Born on Jan 22 1678 in of Albany, Albany, New York, United States of America. Shibboleth died on Sep 26 1747 in Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA; he was 69.
In 1710, when Shibboleth was 32, he married Anna Villeroy DEGARMO.
They had the following children ...
i. Pieter S. BOGARDUS (1711 - 1756)
ii. Jacob BOGARDUS (1712 - 1756)
iii. Ephraim BOGARDUS (1714 - 1724)
iv. Wyntie BOGARDUS (1717 - 1756)
v. Catryna BOGARDUS (1718 - 1761)
vi. Shibboleth BOGARDUS (1720 - 1745)
vii. Cornelia BOGARDUS (1722 - 1787)
1 viii. Ephraim BOGARDUS (1724 - 1745)
3. Anna Villeroy DEGARMO. Born on Oct 15 1684 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States. Anna died on May 25 1747 in Albany Co, New York, USA; she was 62.
4. Pieter BOGARDUS. Born on Apr 02 1645 in New Amsterdam, The Dutch Colony colony Renamed In 1664 To, New York, United States of America. Pieter died on Sep 20 1703 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States of America; he was 58.
On Feb 10 1665, when Pieter was 19, he married Wyntie Cornelia BOSCH.
They had the following children ...
i. Maria Teunisse BOGARDUS (1678 - 1714)
2 ii. Shibboleth Anthony BOGARDUS (1678 - 1747)
iii. Anthony Pieterszen BOGARDUS (1684 - 1747)
iv. Ephraim BOGARDUS (1687 - 1770)
v. Petrus Pieterszen Cornelis BOGARDUS (1691 - 1770)
5. Wyntie Cornelia BOSCH. Born in 1644 in Albany, Rensselaer, New York, United States. Wyntie died on Jan 28 1712 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, America (USA); she was 68.
6. Pierre Marcus, DeGarmeaux DEGARMO. Born on Apr 06 1648 in Plougonven, Finistere, Brittany, France in Goasvale Manor. Pierre died on Mar 06 1741 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States; he was 92.
On Jan 17 1683, when Pierre was 34, he married Catrina , Catharina , Caatje. VAN DER HEYDEN.
They had the following children ...
3 i. Anna Villeroy DEGARMO (1684 - 1747)
ii. Maria Maritje DEGARMO (1686 - 1724)
iii. Jacobus DEGARMO (1689 - 1746)
iv. Agnetje or Angie DEGARMO (1692 - 1772)
v. Johannes DEGARMO (1694 - 1734)
vi. Mattheus Mathieu Mathiew DEGARMO (1696 - 1740)
vii. Dirk DEGARMO (1698 - 1744)
viii. Abraham DEGARMO (1702 - 1703)
ix. Jillis DEGARMO (1704 - 1801)
7. Catrina , Catharina , Caatje. VAN DER HEYDEN. Born in 1664 in Beverwyck, Albany Co, New York, United States of America. Catrina died in 1705 in Albany, Albany Co., New York, United States of America; she was 41.
G Grandparents
8. Everardus BOGARDUS. Born on Jul 27 1607 in Netherlands. Everardus died on Sep 27 1647 in Swansea, Wales; he was 40.
Everardus married Anneke Jantz JANS.
They had the following children ...
i. Willem BOGARDUS (1638 - 1711)
ii. Cornelius BOGARDUS (1640 - 1666)
iii. Jonas BOGARDUS (1643 - 1689)
4 iv. Pieter BOGARDUS (1645 - 1703)
9. Anneke Jantz JANS. Born on Jan 15 1605 in Flekkerøy, Kristiansand, Vest-Agder, Norway. Anneke died on Feb 23 1663 in Beverwyck, New Netherland Colony; she was 58.
10. Cornelis TEUNISE. Died on Dec.
Cornelis married Maria Mingael TEUNISE.
They had one child ...
5 i. Wyntie Cornelia BOSCH (1644 - 1712)
11. Maria Mingael TEUNISE.