Wilson DeGarmo
July 15, 1833 - March 2, 1888
Wilson DeGarmo
Parents William Degarmo and Mary Ellen McDonald
Wilson DeGarmo
Born Jul 15 1833 West Virginia, United States of America
Died Jun 13 1896 Woodland Cemetery Des Moines, Iowa, United States of America
Wife Louisa J DeGarmo
Born Oct 18 1833 Indiana, United States of America
Died May 1896
Elizabeth J DeGarmo
Born Nov 18 1871 Iowa, United States of America
Died Apr 1929
Charles W DeGarmo
Born Nov 03 1872 Iowa, United States of America
Died Jul 14 1936
Wilson DeGarmo's family
Wilson DeGarmo was a grandchild of Paul De Garmo, who served with the Colonies in New York and New Jersey during the Revolutionary War. Paul DeGarmo enlisted in March 1776 in a company called the Flying Camp and was in the battles of Long Island and White Plains. He was discharged from that service and in April 1777 volunteered as an orderly sergeant in a company commanded by Col. Jason Hankinson; he was later commissioned an ensign in the company. His duties included guarding the ferry at Daniels Landing on the Delaware River. He was stationed for three months in 1779 at Fort Montgomery. (This material comes from an 1820 petition to Congress for Revolutionary War veterans benefits. See also a timeline of his Revolutionary War service.)
Family records and the Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania by J. H. Beers and Co., (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), say Paul DeGarmo immigrated to America from France although the suggestion has been made that he was born in America. He died in Washington County, Pa. Two of his sons, William (Wilson's father) and John, married and moved to Ohio.
William's wife was Mary Ellen McDonald. Wilson crossed the Mississippi River into Iowa on his 21st birthday.
Several of Wilson's cousins also fought in the Civil War. (This information is from the Colson Hall Library, Morgantown, W.Va., via Mary Ann Wilson.) They were
Burk DeGarmo, son of Martin and Sarah DeGarmo, private, Company H, 1st Regiment., W.Va. Light Artillery, captured at New Creek, Nov. 28, 1864
James DeGarmo, private, Company C, 12th Regiment, W.Va. Inf. Volunteers.
Thomas DeGarmo, son of Hezekiah and Hannah DeGarmo, private, Company K, 12th Regiment, W.Va. Inf. Volunteers
William G. DeGarmo, son of John and Pertena DeGarmo, private, Company D, 12th Regiment, W.Va. Inf. Volunteers, died at Winchester, Feb. 1863.
Discharge and Promotion
On May 19, 1863, Wilson DeGarmo was 1st Sergeant of Captain John Dillon's Company H, 33rd Regiment, 2nd Brigade of Iowa Infantry Volunteers in the 13th Division, XIII Army Corps. On May 20, 1863, he was a lieutenant.
The discharge document above records part of the process. It states that he was discharged on the Twentieth day of May, 1863, at Helena, Arkansas, by reason of promotion. It also records that he was first enrolled on Aug. 9, 1862, "to serve three years or during the war."
The document also tells us a little bit about Wilson DeGarmo. He was born in Ohio County, Virginia, 29 years before. He was five feet, 8 1/2 inches high, "sandy complexion, gray eyes, sandy hair, and by occupation, when enrolled, a farmer."
The document is signed by Samuel A. Rice, the colonel commanding the brigade.
The note in red ink is dated April 23, 1891, and appears to be about benefits.
DeGarmo was quickly promoted to 1st Lieutenant. A Muster-in Roll document, too large to reproduce, shows that Samuel Kirkwood, governor of Iowa, approved his promotion on July 27, 1863, to take effect Jan. 1, 1864. The document itself is dated Jan. 27, 1864. The signatures include that of Lt. Col. Cyrus H. MacKay, the regiment commander.
Shortly after DeGarmo's promotion from sergeant, the 33rd Iowa fought in the Battle of Helena, Ark. A Confederate force led by Maj. Gen. Sterling Price attacked Union fortifications on July 4, 1863, in an attempt to relieve pressure on Vicksburg. The Confederates were repelled by Helena's defenders, under the command of Brig. Gen. Frederick Salomon.
The 33rd was one of three Iowa regiments -- the 29th, 33rd and the 36th -- engaged in the battle, and it suffered the heaviest casualties of the Union forces: 19 killed, 50 wounded and and 16 missing. Total Union casualties in the battle were 57 killed, 146 wounded and 36 missing. Total Confederate casualties were 169 killed, 659 wounded and 786 missing. Allan McNeal's Sept. 27, 1863, letter indicates that Gen. Price's force was thought to be in bad shape after the battle.
DeGarmo was wounded severely on April 30, 1864, in battle at Saline River, according to the 1911 book, "Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion," p. 175. (citation provided by Bill DeGarmo.)
Excerpts From the Diary
of a Union Officer in the Civil War
September 1864
First Lieutenant Wilson DeGarmo of the 33rd Iowa Volunteers made the following entries in his pocket diary while stationed in Little Rock, Arkansas. The dates follow the style of the diary.
Information provided by the publisher, James J. Purcell, Blank Book Manufacturer, in the diary includes 1860 Census figures for the United States. The total population was given as 31,647,859 and the total slave population as 3,999,283. The population of Arkansas was 331,710 and its slave population was 109,065.
Lieutenant DeGarmo also used the diary to keep records of his correspondence and spending. He recorded that his mess fee for August 1864 was $7.00 and that he borrowed $1.05 from S. Potts on October 29. The ink has turned dark brown but his writing is still quite legible after 130 years. There are, however, a few places where the handwriting itself is not easily deciphered. Those are noted. Eccentricities of spelling and punctuation have been preserved.
Thursday, September 1, 1864
On duty at Fort Steele. The morning foggy & cloudy. Clear by 8 O'clock. The remainder of the day warm. A rebel raid anticipated. Guards strengthened tonight.
Friday 2
On duty at Fort Steele. The day was clear and very warm I think the warmest of the season. The guards strengthen tonight again in view of the rebel raid anticipated.
Saturday, September 3, 1864
Done nothing today, but lay around the quarters all day. Clear and warm but not so warm as yesterday. The same (unreadable) tonight as last night.
Sunday 4
Done nothing today. Remained at quarters all day. No Preaching. No nothing. A good air all day & quite pleasant.
Our Regt. ordered out to the rifle pits between 10 & 11 O'clock at night -- I go with them.
Monday 5
This morning I was with the Regt. in the rifle pits S.W. of Pemitec (?) . I leave them there about 9 O'clock go to Fort Steele. On duty there and with the detail from there untill 4 P.M. & with a fatigue party in the bottom by 1st Mo. Bat untill dark. The Regt. goes to camp 12 past 3 P.M. The weather hot. Considerable fir aspect* of an attack.
*(writing small and cramped "fir aspect" or "prospect" are best guesses)
Tuesday, September 6, 1864
Go to Fort Steele at 6 A.M. but no detail reports. I go again in the afternoon but still no detail. The excitement concerning an attack here has greatly subsided.
Weather very warm.
Holland return from Pine Bluff with his detail.
Wednesday 7
On duty west of town near the river with the details at work on the fortifications. Receive news of the capture of Atlanta. The sun shines very warm but there is a pretty good breeze - A little shower at 5 P.M. Ate dinner with Col. Whipple.
Thursday 8
On duty the same place as yesterday. - Weather warm Cloudy part of the time Two showers in P.M. The last about 4 O'clock when it rained very hard at Camp but not very much where I was. H. Dorman had a congestive chill tonight.
Friday, September 9, 1864
On duty at the same place again today. No news of importance of any kind. Some cloudy today but when the sun shone out it was very hot.
Saturday 10
Quit work about 1 O'clock went to camp and remained the balance of the day. Weather very warm. Major General Mower arrived at Little Rock last night One year today since our forces took possession of this city.
Sunday 11
Done nothing today. Read one of Beecher's sermons - a very good one - was about quarters all day - No preaching in camp. Not anything else of note. Weather warm & clear.
Monday, September 12, 1864
On duty again at the little fort in the bottom. Quite cool in the morning but hot in the middle of the day.
Was at the penitentiary to see T. Moyers. Had a chat with Mrs. Canaday. Come home through town & got to camp very tired.
Tuesday 13
On duty at the fort in the bottom. Got dinner at Canadays. Weather clear and pleasant.
Wednesday 14
On duty at the Fort in the bottom. Got dinner again at Canadays. Quite cool in the morning but hot in the middle of the day.
Thursday, September 15, 1864
On duty in the bottoms fort - part of the day at Fort McKingy (? approximate spelling) and part of the day at Fort Summers - Cool in the morning but quite hot in the afternoon. See the 3rd Kansas battery Also Lt. Haston. Our Regt. had inspection today.
Friday 16
On duty with the fatigue party on the fortifications -- most of the day west of the Semetery - Was present at a Negro burying -- Quite cool this morning but warm in the after part of the day.
Saturday 17
Worked in the forenoon - west of the grave yard - done nothing after dinner - was at town in the evening. Cool in the morning - warm in the middle of the day.
Sunday, September 18, 1864
Blacked my shoes, put on a paper collar and went to Campbleite church in the forenoon heard a pretty good sermon. Took a walk in the afternoon - had preaching at camp in the evening - weather very pleasant.
Monday 19
Worked on the fort west of the grave yard. Northern papers in town with cheering news. The morning quite cool the day pleasant.
Tuesday 20
Worked west of the grave yard. Nothing new today. Cool morning but pretty warm in the afternoon.
Wednesday, September 21, 1864
Everything about the same as yesterday.
A rumor today that rebel Shelby was at Pilot Knob Mo.
Capt. Comstock came in about 10 O'clock P.M. having come up with a rebel flag of truce.
Thursday 22
Work on the fortifications west of the grave yard. The weather pleasant. Capt. Comstock reports that P. L. Suiter died Aug. 6th.
Relieved of my duty on the fortifications.
Friday 23
I remained at camp all day. had the pleasure of a visit with Capt. Comstock - helped to drink a bottle of brandy with him and other officers.
Weather pleasant. Rained very hard in the night about 11 O'clock.
Saturday, September 24, 1864
I go on picket for the first time for over two months have quite a pleasant tour of picket duty.
Nothing of notice transpired.
Weather pleasant. Had to go on Picket in full uniform for the first time.
Sunday 25
Got in from picket about 10 Oclock. I done nothing the balance of the day.
Our chaplain preached for us in the evening.
Weather pleasant.
Got a letter this morning from L. M. at Nashville Tenn.
Monday 26
At camp all day or nearly so. Was on a board at Brigade Head Qrs to affix the rent of rooms occupied by said Head Qrs. Was informed today I would be detailed to take command of Company "B" The morning Cool the day pleasant.
Tuesday, September 27, 1864
At camp all day - after attending Div. guard mounting at 8 in the morning.
Hear that Sheridan (photo at right) has whiped Early in the valley and also a rumor that Mower has overtaken Price. Rained very hard in the afternoon.
Wednesday 28
D.O.H. had a team hauling logs for a cabin to winter in -- I was about camp in the forenoon but went to town in the afternoon Weather clear but cool - called pleasant.
Thursday 29
I went out in the forenoon to look for brick. Went back in the afternoon to get them.
The weather cool but clear & quite pleasant.
Sheridans Victory over Early confirmed and published in the Little Rock papers. But nothing from Mower.
Friday, September 30, 1864
I assume command of Co. "B" and Exchange Invoices and receipts with Harter for the property. It rained hard last night - in the night - has rained nearly all day today.
D.O.H. is on picket roster in my stead - as this was my day.
Wilson DeGarmo at this time was 1st Lieutenant in Company H and Joseph J. Harter, according to the Iowa 33rd Infantry page of the Keokuk Civil War Soldiers Web site, was 1st Lieutenant in Company B.
Excerpts From the Diary
of a Union Officer in the Civil War
October and early November 1864
Saturday, October 1
I go on Picket - It clears off and we have a very pleasant day. Nothing of special note on picket.
Sunday 2
I get to camp about 10 Oclock put in rather a lonesome day. Weather a little cloudy at times but no rain.
Our chaplain preached a pretty good sermon for us in the evening.
Monday, October 3, 1864
I remained at camp all the forenoon (that is after attending guard mounting). I went to town in the afternoon to get some blankets.
Weather cool & cloudy a part of the time. No rain. We got a mail this morning & N. papers of the 26. with glorious news from Sheridan.
Tuesday 4
I spend the most of the day in my tent making out ordnance Returns for Gov. Weather cloudy & wet. It raining a good portion of the day 100 minute guns were fired here in honor of Sheridan s victory. Good news from Grant if true.
Wednesday 5
Out with fatigue party at work on fortifications, Weather clear and nice.
Thursday, October 6, 1864
Go to Div. Head Qrs on business. And to Lt. Witt's office for information about Ord. return. Go to Brig. H.Q. on business with Capt. Anderson C & G.E. Visit Pioneer Corps and come back through town. A fine day.
Friday 7
On picket - nothing of note occurs - a nice day and a pleasant tour of picket duty.
Saturday 8
About camp all day pretty cool in the morning day nice & clear.
Col Mackey and Capt. Parmley arrive - both look well. All glad to see them. Brig. band serenades Col. M. about 9 O'clock P.M.
Sunday, October 9, 1864
Frost this morning The day clear and pleasant.
Take a walk to the grave yard - and in town -
Our chaplain preached a good sermon for us in the evening.
Detailed to go a forageing tomorrow with 5 days rations.
Monday 10
Start from camp at 6 O'clock in charge of 50 men and 4 N.C.O. Report in town - & then at the Carroll (corral?) below the Depot. The train gets started about 1 O'clock P.M. - I have charge of the whole - 76 wagons & 100 men - get a pony to ride.
Tuesday 11
Start out this morning about sun up and get to Clear Lake a little before sun down and go into camp. I stoped by the way at Dr. Mickles and get my dinner Have very fine weather Take my supper with Mr. Satterfield.
Wednesday, October 12, 1864
Go about 1 1/2 miles and load our wagons with old corn = 71 wagons. return & camp on the same ground Take supper with Satterfield Satterfields are real secessionists The teamsters gather up some mules - weather very fine Lt. Cole brings me a prisoner at 12 at night.
Thursday 13
Start for Little Rock about sun up - get along fine - I stoped at Mickles again and had a long chat with Mrs. M. Camped on the river just above Penchestors (?)
Two Citizens followed us for mules they say we got.
Friday 14
Get to Little Rock about 2 O'clock P.M. The Pro Mar Gen. sees a lot of rails on some of the wagons and gives me fits. I turn my prisoner over to Capt. D. Kay Post Pro. Mar. and get to camp about 3 oclock. weather fine but some clouds.
Saturday, October 15, 1864
Go to the Pro. Mar. Gen's office by his request made yesterday. He questions me about the mules we brought in & orders me to report tomorrow at 10 O'c I see one of the Citizens who came after the mules. They got an order for 3 of them.
Sunday 16
I go to the Pro. Mar's he tells me he does not want me today but to come in tomorrow or next day - In the afternoon I go to the grave yard - see nothing of much importance. Weather fine indeed.
Monday 17
Work all day on our shanty. The Co. raise their cook house. Did not go to Pro. Marshal's.
Weather fine and pleasant with cool morning.
We move into our new shanty tonight.
Tuesday, October 18, 1864
I go out with fatigue detail - work on the fortification west of the grave yard Detail worked rather poorly weather fine and pleasant. All busy in camp fixing winter quarters.
Wednesday 19
I do nothing today but lay around quarters in the forenoon - In the afternoon we have battalion drill from 2 to 4 O'clock Weather fine but growing a little cooler.
Thursday 20
I go to town & to the commissary in the forenoon In the afternoon I work at our shanty daubing it. get it done and now have our end nearly finished all to hanging the door. Weather clear but cool in the morn.
Friday, October 21, 1864
I do nothing but lay around the quarters. We got a pretty good mail this morning and some Northern papers. Weather clear but cool.
Saturday 22
I go on picket have rather a lonesome day of it. The wind blows so as to make it quite disagreeable, Quite cool this morning. Considerable of ice. Brigade drill today.
Sunday 23
I get in from picket between 9 & 10 O'clock - done nothing more for the day.
We get orders to prepare for inspection tomorrow.
Weather fine- a few scattering clouds but no rain some ice in the morning.
Monday, October 24, 1864
Up pretty early this morning. The forenoon spent in cleaning of camp and preparing for inspection. All hands very busy -- Inspected in the afternoon by Col. Sacket U.S.A. I had comd. of the Co. Gore at 50th Ind. on Board of Sur. The day pleasant with some appearance of rain.
Tuesday 25
Nothing much going on today. I have been about Camp all day. Gore & I fixed up a door & hung it to our shanty -- It has rained about 1/2 the time today but not very hard.
Wednesday 26
I go to Guard Mounting in the morning stay in camp the rest of the forenoon - After dinner go with H.B. Mathews to Brig. H. Q. Have Battalion drill from 2 to 4. I have command of Co "E". Weather some cloudy but still tolerable pleasant.
Thursday, October 27, 1864
I go on fatigue in charge of the detail from our Regt. at work on fortification get a good days work done Weather cloudy & windy The most pigeons this morning I ever saw.
Friday 28
Stay at quarters all day make part of a muster roll - Weather fine & pleasant rather cool early this morning. J. Wondling came back to the Co. today.
Saturday 29
I go on picket but was relieved soon after dinner Our Regt. being ordered to go with a train to Fort Smith. The balance of the day spent in making preparations- I go to town in the evening to get tickets printed It rained some & was damp & cloudy all day.
Sunday, October 30, 1864
Pack up and get all ready to move soon in the morning but did not get off untill about 1 O'clock Our Regt. started with about 350 men Our Co 30 - We march 8 miles and Camp after dark Weather nice
Entries beginning on this date are in pencil.
Monday 31
Start by sun up travel 10 miles and camp some time before sun down on Polarm (?). Weather very nice for marching. Clouded up and sprinkled rain in the night.
Tuesday, November 1
Started about sun up for a big march rained some before noon and rained very hard in the afternoon and pretty near steedy the road got pretty bad - some wagons upset and we camped after traveling 16 miles and it was after 9 O'clock when the train all got in.
Wednesday, November 2, 1864
Started again this morning as soon as we could get off having to go back 1 mile for a wagon and 2 loads of hard bread which were left out the wagons having upset after dark and could not be got in last night. traveled 2 1/2 miles through a bottom and very bad road & came to the cadron (?) and spent the rest of the day ferrying.
Thursday 3
We left 48 wagons on the east side of Cadron - the troops marched 1 1/2 miles and camped west of the river - consequently we had to go back and ferry the 48 wagons today & get them over & all into camp about 2 Oclock having made 4 miles in 2 days.
Friday 4
Started early and traveled 12 miles and came to Lewisburg Camped just west of the town sometime before sun down Drew rations & laid in supplies for Fort Smith. Weather nice today but cool - It rained considerably yesterday.
Saturday, November, 5
Start early travel 10 miles and camp at Campbell's. here we overtook the 2 Ark & 1 Co of the 54 U.S. Colored. camped about 2 Oclock and sent out a forage party for corn got about 25 loads weather nice
Sunday 6
lay by all day to rest the mules and to forage - sent a forage party over to the river they get plenty of corn beef sheep weather nice.
There are no further entries. According to a summary history of the 33rd, the expedition to Fort Smith continued until Dec. 8, 1864. A record of correspondence kept at the back of the diary continues until June 1865, two months after General Lee's surrender at Appomattox. The regiment was mustered out July 17, 1865.