Catharina Vanderheyden DeGarmo
1664 - 1705
Catharina Vanderheyden was born in Albany about 1664. She was the daughter of Jacob Tysse and Anna Hals Vanderheyden. Her father was a tailor and trader and one of the early settlers of Beverwyck.
"Caatje" grew up in Albany where her brother Dirck was a prominent businessman and landholder who had taken over from their aged father. By the early 1680s, she had become the wife of the French trader Pierre De Garmo. She was the mother of his ten children born from the 1680s to 1704. She was a lifelong member of the Albany Dutch church.
As the Albany-based wife of a frequently absent French trader, Catharina was called on to answer complaints against her husband before the Albany court. She also was sued for slandering another Albany woman.
In 1709, she was identified as the co-owner of a piece of property in the third ward. Perhaps she had inherited the parcel from the Vanderheydens.
No record has been found of her death.
Catrina Caatje VanDerHeyden
Parents Jacob Tyssen VanderHeyden and Anna Hals
Wife Catrina Caatje VanDerHeyden
Born 1664 Beverwyck, Albany Co, New York, United States of America
Married Jan 17 1683 Fort Orange, Albany, New York, United States
Died 1705 Albany, Albany Co., New York, United States of America
Husband Pierre Marcus DeGarmo
Born Apr 06 1648 Plougonven, Finistere, Brittany, France in Goasvale Manor
Died Mar 06 1741 Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Parents Gilles Aegidius DeGarmeaux and Maria De Lesmelleue
Peter Villeroy DeGarmo
Born 1683 Albany Co, New York, USA
Spouse Martha Metje VanTilburg
Married Apr 02 1709 Albany, Albany County, New York, United
Died Aug 12 1746 Staten Island, Richmond, New York, USA
Anna Villeroy DeGarmo
Born Oct 15 1684 Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Spouse Shibboleth Anthony Bogardus
Married 1710 Albany Co, New York, USA
Died May 25 1747 Albany Co, New York, USA
Maria Maritje DeGarmo
Born May 23 1686 Beverwyck, Albany, New York, United States of America
Spouse Barent Egbertse
Married Aug 26 1704 Albany, Albany, Colony of New York, British Colonial America
Died Jan 07 1725 New York, USA
Jacobus DeGarmo
Born Mar 29 1689 Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Spouse Dirkje VanTilburg
Married Sep 19 1713 Dutch Reformed Church, Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA
Died Aug 12 1746 Staten Island, Richmond, New York, USA
Agnetje or Angie DeGarmo
Born Mar 20 1692 Albany, Albany Co, New York, USA
Spouse Ephraim Bogardus
Married Sep 23 1720 Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Died Jul 07 1772 Coxsackie, Greene, New York, United States
Johannes DeGarmo
Born Apr 06 1694 Albany, Albany County, New York, United States of America
Spouse Egbertie Visscher
Married Oct 09 1719 Albany Dutch Reformed Church, Albany, Albany Cty, New York, United States of America
Died 1734 Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Mattheus Mathieu Mathiew DeGarmo
Born Jun 01 1696 Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Spouse Rebecca VanArnheim
Married 1721 Albany, New York, United States of America
Died 1740 Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Dirk DeGarmo
Born Oct 02 1698 Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Spouse Hester DeGarmo
Married ABT 1723 Of Albany, New York, United States of America
Died Jan 04 1744 Albany County, New York, United States of America
Abraham DeGarmo
Born Apr 03 1702 Albany, New York, USA
Died 1703 Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Jillis DeGarmo
Born Mar 22 1704 Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Spouse Rachel D Evertsen
Married Jan 09 1731
Died Apr 06 1801 New York, USA
1. Catrina Caatje VANDERHEYDEN. Born in 1664 in Beverwyck, Albany Co, New York, United States of America. Catrina died in 1705 in Albany, Albany Co., New York, United States of America; she was 41.
2. Jacob Tyssen VANDERHEYDEN. Born in 1616 in Gorinchem, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. Jacob died on Oct 09 1687 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States; he was 71.
On Jul 25 1655, when Jacob was 39, he married Anna HALS.
They had the following children ...
i. Matthys VANDERHEYDEN (1656 - 1716)
ii. Cornelia. VAN DER HEYDEN (1658 - 1725)
iii. Dirk Ariaantje Tysse VANDERHEYDEN (1662 - 1738)
1 iv. Catrina Caatje VANDERHEYDEN (1664 - 1705)
v. Geesje Jacobse VANDERHEYDEN (1667 - 1748)
vi. Johannes VANDERHEYDEN (1672 - 1702)
vii. Cornelia VAN DER HEYDEN (1673 - 1725)
viii. Araintje. VANDERHEYDEN (1674 - 1702)
ix. Anna Antie VANDERHEYDEN (1674 - 1725)
x. Anna or Antje. VANDERHEYDEN (1676 - 1725)
3. Anna HALS. Born in 1632 in Haarlem, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Anna died in 1691 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States; she was 59.
4. Matthys VAN DERHEYDEN. Born in 1596 in Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands. Matthys died in 1659 in New Amsterdam (now New York City), New Netherlands (now USA); he was 63.
In 1607, when Matthys was 11, he married Frau Matthys Van der Heyden UNK.
They had one child ...
2 i. Jacob Tyssen VANDERHEYDEN (1616 - 1687)
5. Frau Matthys Van der Heyden UNK. Born in 1608 in prob Netherlands. Frau died in 1630 in prob New York, USA; she was 22.
6. Dirck Franchoisz HALS. Born on Mar 19 1591 in Haarlem, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Dirck died on May 17 1656 in Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands; he was 65.
Dirck married Agniesje JANSDOCHTER.
They had the following children ...
i. Antoine. HALS (1621 - 1691)
ii. Maria HALS (b.1623)
iii. Hester HALS (b.1624)
3 iv. Anna HALS (1632 - 1691)
7. Agniesje JANSDOCHTER. Born in 1592 in Hilvarenbeek, Hilvarenbeek, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands. Agniesje died in 1662; she was 70.
G Grandparents
12. Franchoys Franszoon HALS. Born in 1560 in Mechelen, Gulpen-Wittem, Limburg, Netherlands. Franchoys died on May 1610 in Haarlem, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands; he was 50.
In 1590, when Franchoys was 30, he married Andriana Van Gerrtenryck GEESTENRYCK.
They had the following children ...
i. Frans HALS (1580 - 1666)
ii. Joost HALS (1584 - 1626)
6 iii. Dirck Franchoisz HALS (1591 - 1656)
13. Andriana Van Gerrtenryck GEESTENRYCK. Born in 1565 in Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium. Andriana died in 1591 in (11G-GM); she was 26.
GG Grandparents
24. Frans HALS. Born in 1535 in Mechelen, Gulpen-Wittem, Limburg, Netherlands. Frans died on Aug 1566 in Haarlem, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands; he was 31.
In 1555, when Frans was 20, he married Barbara DEWITTE.
They had one child ...
12 i. Franchoys Franszoon HALS (1560 - 1610)
25. Barbara DEWITTE. Born in 1540 in Mechelen, Gulpen-Wittem, Limburg, Netherlands. Barbara died in 1560 in Netherlands; she was 20.