MARCH 5 2004

April Olson, Madelyn Olson, Matthew Jr Olson, Christopher Olson, Tyler Geng Olson, Brittany Geng Olson, Anthony Hoile, Matthew Olson

Randy Olson and Madelyn Olson

Madelyn Olson
Madelyn Olson fixes her brother ( Sgt Matthew Olson ) hair after he returns from the service.
1. Madelyn Christene OLSON. Born on Mar 05 2004 in Beloit Rock Co WI.
2. Randy James OLSON. Born on Nov 30 1953 in Beloit, Rock Co., Wisconsin, United States of America.
In 2004, when Randy was 51, he married Beth Anne HAMILTON.
They had one child ...
1 i. Madelyn Christene OLSON (b.2004)
3. Beth Anne HAMILTON. Born in 1967 in Beloit, Wisconsin, United States of America.
4. Robert James OLSON. Born on Jun 13 1935 in Crawford Co, Wisc.
In 1953, when Robert was 18, he married Aleeta May DEGARMO.
They had the following children ...
2 i. Randy James OLSON (b.1953)
ii. Debra Lynn OLSON (b.1955)
iii. Jeffrey Alan OLSON (1956 - 1957)
iv. Mike Dwain. OLSON (b.1958)
​5. Aleeta May DEGARMO. Born on Oct 20 1933 in Viola, Wisconsin, United States of America.